Insight - On Board - Police Mutual

03 Nov 2024

We are delighted to announce that Police Mutual's new bethebrand system is live.

For over 140 years, Police Mutual has been helping Officers, Staff and their families with their finances. With no shareholders, they are run for the benefit of their members and the Police Service which means they can focus on delivering the things that are most important to their members. They offer a great range of products and services exclusively for their members. This includes savings or investment products, value for money insurance, first class healthcare and advice on finding a mortgage. And they are continually developing their products and services to ensure they meet their members' needs. Today, around 200,000 members trust them with their finances.

Police Mutual needed to remove its marketing assets from the existing Royal London asset store and start managing them independently they had to choose between continuing to use bethebrand or look at alternatives.

The team decided that it was a simple decision as they had first-hand experience of how valuable the bethebrand system is to both marketing and compliance teams.

The bethebrand client services team worked closely with the PMGI team to ensure that despite a project timeline of less than 3 months, a large number of assets that needed to be migrated and new functionality requirements that the system was delivered on time and on budget.

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