Hints and Tips Library - help

Does it annoy you when you’re scrolling through pages of assets to find the one you want? Would you like to find a quicker way to access your workflows? Or maybe you want to change the way you view the asset store? Then you’ve come to the right place!

There’s so much you can do with bethebrand, and we’d like to share this information with you, to help enhance your use of your system.
Whether it’s a keyboard shortcut, identifying your favourite assets, or creating distribution groups, our hints and tips aim to bring you time saving efficiencies and maximise your use of the system.

This Hints & Tips page has been designed to provide you with snippets of information, and can be searched on e.g. if you're looking for information on the asset store, click on the 'asset store' tag.

Keep an eye out for new hints and tips as they get added.

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Before uploading an Excel spreadsheet to Mark Up, select the area you want to preview so that it displays correctly. This link shows you how to do this.

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Click on the little information dots (Tooltips) that appear throughout the system, to guide you as to what information is required in the form fields.

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